IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic rest ieltsxpress

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Rest Questions Answers

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Rest Questions and Answers

How often do you take a rest?
Being a teacher is so challenging; my schedule is jam-packed. There’s no time for a break or a nap. But whenever I’m free during recess or lunch, I prefer to rest for at least 40 minutes to give my body a break and some relaxation to my mind.

What do you usually do when you are resting?
As I said earlier, I’m a teacher, so I don’t usually get a lot of time to rest, but I make sure to take a nap when I’m free. But whenever I’m at home, I manage to practise yoga and meditation with my siblings. Yoga really helps me to feel relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed. At the same time, meditation reduces my stress and anxiety.

Do you take a nap when you’re resting?
Well, not really, because I spend the weekdays in school and taking a nap in school is not as peaceful as resting at home. As a matter of fact, I don’t take a nap during the weekdays. But on the weekends, I make sure to take a quick afternoon nap, which boosts and energizes me and keeps me going all day.

How do you feel after taking a nap?
To be honest, the post-lunch struggle is real, and sluggishness doesn’t go away easily, so I take a 20-minute nap, after which I feel super energetic and refreshed. In addition, my body is recharged and boosted up, which helps me take the afternoon classes efficiently.


Meaning: extremely crowded or full to capacity.
Eg: The famous actor couldn’t sign the film as his call sheet was jam-packed.

Meaning: a break from doing something, like work or school
Eg: Students went to the canteen during recess.

Meaning: a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state
Eg: Meditation helps an individual to stay calm and composed.

Meaning: give vitality and enthusiasm to.
Eg: The boxer took a supplement that energized him.

Meaning: averse to activity or exertion
Eg: John’s sluggishness affected his work-life balance

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Rest Questions Answers

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