Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023

Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India Question Answers

Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India Question Answers

Discover the ins and outs of the recent IELTS exam held on 2nd December 2023 in India!

2 December 2023, India IELTS Listening

Short MCQs
Match the Information
Long MCQs
Selection of Letters

Part 1: Conversation (Telephonic Inquiry)
Part 2: Social Discussion
Part 3: Academic Discussion
Part 4: Monolouge

2 December 2023 India IELTS Reading Passages

True/False/Not Given
Match the Information (Paragraphs)
Match the Information (Options)
Yes/No/Not Given
Match the Information

Passage 1: The Accidental Scientists

Passage 2: The Slow Food Organisation

Passage 3: Related to Technology

2 December 2023 India Reading Answers

The Accidental Scientists IELTS Reading Answers

1. v
2. ix
3. i
4. vi
5. x
6. viii
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. Horace Walpole
13. fairy tale
14. Sri Lanka

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Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India Writing Task 2

Task 1 is line graph information about var ownership in UK from 1975 to 2005

Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India Writing Task 2

It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2 December 2023 India IELTS General Training Reading

True/False/Not Given
List of Heading
Match the Information (Paragraphs)

Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India General Training Writing Task 1

Write a letter to your friend to recommend regarding the advanced technology gadget you brought recently. In this letter you should include:

Explain the item
Describe the uses of this technology
Explain why the person needs to buy it.

Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India General Training Writing Task 2

Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Also Check: Recent IELTS Exam 28 October 2023 India Question Answers

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Recent IELTS Exam 2 December 2023 India Question Answers

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