Cambridge Ielts 10 Listening Test 1 With Answers Ieltsxpress

Practice Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 with Answers

Are you ready to take your IELTS listening skills to the next level? Cambridge IELTS 10: Listening Test 1 offers a challenging and engaging practice opportunity. This test features a diverse range of topics, including “Self-drive Tours in the USA,” “Joining a Leisure Club,” “Global Design Competition,” and “The Spirit Bear.” By immersing yourself in these authentic listening scenarios, you’ll improve your comprehension, develop effective note-taking strategies, and build the confidence you need to succeed on the IELTS exam.

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 –  Section 1

Questions 1 – 6
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD for each answer.



Name:                                          Andrea ………Brown……….

Address:                                      24 1 __________ Road

Postcode:                                    BH5 2OP

Phone:                                         (mobile) 077 8664 3091

Heard about company from:   2 __________

Possible self-drive tours

Trip One:

●   Los Angeles: customer wants to visit some 3 __________ parks with her children

●   Yosemite Park: customer wants to stay in a lodge, not a 4 __________

Trip Two:

●   Customer wants to see the 5 __________ on the way to Cambria

●   At Santa Monica: not interested in shopping

●   At San Diego, wants to spend time on the 6 __________

Questions 7-10
Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


of days

Total distance Price

(per person)

Trip One 12 days 7 __________ km £525 ●   accommodation
●   car
●   one 8 __________
Trip Two 9 days 980 km 9 £ __________ ●   accommodation
●   car
●   10 __________

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 – Section 2

Questions 11 and 12
Choose TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved?

A   the gym
B   the tracks
C   the indoor pool
D   the outdoor pool
E   the sports training for children

Questions 13-20
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THEN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Joining the leisure club

Personal Assessment

●   New members should describe any 13 __________ .
●   The 14……………… will be explained to you before you use the equipment.
●   You will be given a six-week 15 __________ .

Types of membership

●   There is a compulsory £90 16 __________ fee for members.
●   Gold members are given 17__________  to all the LP clubs.
●   Premier members are given priority during 18__________  hours.
●   Premier members can bring some 19__________ every month.
●   Members should always take their 20__________ with them.

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 – Section 3

Questions 21 – 25
Choose the correct letter, AB or C.

Global Design Competition

21   Students entering the design competition have to

A   produce an energy-efficient design.
B   adapt an existing energy-saving appliance.
C   develop a new use for current technology.

22   John chose a dishwasher because he wanted to make dishwashers

A   more appealing.
B   more common.
C   more economical.

23   The stone in John’s ‘Rockpool’ design is used

A   for decoration.
B   to switch it on.
C   to stop water escaping.

24   In the holding chamber, the carbon dioxide

A   changes back to a gas.
B   dries the dishes.
C   is allowed to cool.

25   At the end of the cleaning process, the carbon dioxide

A   is released into the air.
B   is disposed of with the waste.
C   is collected ready to be re-used.

Questions 26-30
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

●   John needs help preparing for his 26 __________ .
●   The professor advises John to make a 27 __________ of his design.
●   John’s main problem is getting good quality 28 __________ .
●   The professor suggests John apply for a 29 __________ .
●   The professor will check the 30 __________ information in John’s written report.

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 – Section 4

Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


General facts

●   It is a white bear belonging to the black bear family.
●   Its colour comes from an uncommon 31 __________ .
●   Local people believe that it has unusual 32 __________ .
●   They protect the bear from 33 __________ .


●   The bear’s relationship with the forest is complex.
●   Tree roots stop 34 __________ along salmon streams.
●   The bears’ feeding habits provide nutrients for forest vegetation.
●   It is currently found on a small number of 35 __________ .


●   Habitat is being lost due to deforestation and construction of 36 __________  by logging companies.
●   Unrestricted 37 __________  is affecting the salmon supply.
●   The bears’ existence is also threatened by their low rate of 38 __________ .

Going forward

●   Interested parties are working together.
●   Logging companies must improve their 39 __________ of logging.
●   Maintenance and 40 __________ of the spirit bears’ territory is needed.

Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 Answers

Self drive Tours in the USA IELTS Listening Answers

1. Ardleigh
2. newspaper
3. theme
4. tent
5. castle
6. beach
7. 2020
8. flight
9. 429
10. dinner

Joining a Leisure Club IELTS Listening Answers

11. A
12. C
13. health problems
14. safety rules
15. plan
16. joining
17. free entry
18. peak
19. guests
20. photo card

Global Design Competition IELTS Listening Answers

21. C
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. C
26. presentation
27. model
28. materials
29. grant
30. technical

The Spirit Bear IELTS Listening Answers

31. gene
32. powers
33. strangers
34. erosion
35. islands
36. roads
37. fishing
38. reproduction
39. methods
40. expansion

Also Check: Cambridge IELTS 16 Listening Test 4 with Answers

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Practice Cambridge Ielts 10 Listening Test 1

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