Medical Services Should Not be Run by Profit-Making Companies IELTS Essay
Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh the disadvantages?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.
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Medical Services Should Not be Run by Profit-Making Companies
Sample Answer 1
Good healthcare service is a fundamental need for every citizen in a country and when this sector is run by money-making private organisations, it is clear that the government-provided health care service is not up to mark and needs improvements. I believe that when the healthcare service is owned and run by some bunch of money-makers, mass people would suffer to a great extent and this policy has far more demerits than few advantages it offers.
First, when the government is incapable of providing sufficient treatment and hospital facilities, the healthcare sector is then turning into a profitable business sector for many private organisations. Those private organisations’ main objective is to make money and thus only rich citizens can accommodate their treatment. Since the government does not have any control over the treatment facilities of these hospitals and healthcare centers, they charge people as much as they like. Thus they make the overall health care system expensive in a country.
Second, the private healthcare centers are often accused of overcharging and wrong treatment and yet they are not punished for the misdeed they conduct. Many people opine that private healthcare centers and hospitals are far neater and clean and have more qualified doctors. However, should not those doctors be treated in public hospitals instead of making money? Thus the professional ethics of doctors are ruined by their practice in private hospitals. Furthermore, the government collects a huge amount of tax from its citizens and should be obliged to provide health care services to people for free rather than letting private hospitals loot people. I E L T S X P R ESS
In conclusion, a better environment and more doctors and nurses in private hospitals are often considered as great advantages for the patients. However, the amount they charge for treatment is outrageous and mass people cannot afford that. The government should ensure proper healthcare facilities for all of its citizens and quality public health care service is a better solution than allowing private companies to control this important sector whose sole objective is to make profits.
Medical Services Should Be Run by Government IELTS Essay
Sample Answer 2
Private health care institutions and government hospitals are at present two major sources of medical service for the public. However, some people suggest that medical services should not be operated by profit-oriented private companies. Personally, I don’t agree with them because the advantages of private health care far outweigh the disadvantages.
Undoubtedly, private health care services can bring a lot of benefits to people. For example, when you have a medical emergency, you get instant treatment. You don’t have to wait for long hours as in a government hospital. Moreover, private health care institutions, generally, specialize in particular health care services like nursing, midwifery or dental service. These places provide friendly and personalized service and high-quality professional medical treatment.
Furthermore, the competition provided by these institutes is the driving force for improvements. Because of private health care institutions, the government-owned ones are forced to take measures to better their management, which eventually benefits the public in the long run. What’s more, the private health care institutions are playing a big role in remote areas and rural areas where also they provide services through mobile van hospitals.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages too. The cost of treatment in these is very high and is not within the pocket of many. Then, because these hospitals have the latest machines and employ the best doctors, the cost of running them is high and so sometimes an unnecessary battery of tests is performed which raises the cost of treatment.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that private health care is absolutely necessary. They provide the best services and so deserve to make profits. However, there should be some provision for keeping a check on unfair practices used in such hospitals.
IELTS Essay on Healthcare
Sample Answer 3
More and more people are opting for private healthcare facilities than the public despite the fact that the latter is more affordable. The primary reasons are that in public health care centers there’s poor infrastructure, non-availability of doctors, the absence of IPD and OPD, dissatisfaction with quality standards. You have to wait for a lot of time unless there is an emergency. You can not choose your own doctor.
Whereas if you choose to go to a private health care center, you’ll get treated as soon as you and your doctor are ready. In most rural India, medical doctors are untrained. You must have read the news of a sweeper in a government hospital injecting patients. How can one expect to trust government hospitals after reading news like this? Even stretchers are not available at many public health care centers. The Indian government spends only 30% of the country’s total healthcare budget.
If public health care is really good in our country, then do the politicians never visit their government hospitals when they are sick? Because they know how they are run. They are aware of the fact that government hospitals don’t have proper infrastructure and they might be wrongly diagnosed with a disease. There are a lot of loopholes in our public health care system. The issues need to be addressed and taken care of.
If the public healthcare systems are properly equipped and the doctors are properly trained, then people would have no problem shifting from private to the public healthcare system.
IELTS Writing Task 2 on Health
Sample Answer 4
A human can not live if his/her health condition is critical, that’s why we say health is wealth. So the basic human need is good health. If medical services are run by profit-making companies, there is an absolute possibility of medical service rejection to poor & underprivileged people. So I do agree that good health is very important to every person and I also support the statement that says medical services should not be run by profit-making companies.
Firstly, in this fast-moving society, we must agree that almost everyone has lost patience and wants to find a quick solution for everything. Profit-making medical service companies use modern medicine to find quick solutions for any health illness. But at the same time, we can not ignore that modern medicine treats the disease and not the patient. Whereas the traditional treatment takes time to cure a person but certainly there won’t be any side effects.
Furthermore, when a medical company is said to be profit-making then it’s pure business, and the term “medical service” becomes non-existing because a service can never be monetized. But on the contrary, people offering medical services also need a source of income to meet their daily essentials. So the best possible solution is for the state authority to take control as the sole medical service provider which would eliminate the private profit-making companies and eventually every individual will get access to every treatment.
To conclude, Health is a priority for all. It is a duty for the state governments to provide best-in-class medical services. When it fails to render such services, profit-making companies will come into existence. People must understand and start to adapt to a natural way of life that will keep them far away from this macro-level politics. So yes I do agree with the statement that good health is very important to every person, so medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. I E L T S X PRESS
Health Topic IELTS Essay
Sample Answer 5
It is a fact that for a person to survive he/she needs good health and it is a basic human need. But witnessing the present public health sector, we must consider private medical service providers. For best and better treatment inclusive of modern facilities, private health service providers are on the top. I do agree that good health is very important to every person, I partially agree that medical services should not be run by profit-making companies.
Firstly, the Public health service sector manages its financial requirements from the taxpayer’s funds. But, the only source of income for private medical service providers is the people who come for treatment. People who are working in the private health service sector also need revenue to meet their everyday essentials. Due to the lack of proper facilities and treatment methods followed by public health services, people are left with no other option but to choose private medical services.
Furthermore, not all Private medical service providers are profit-making companies. There are exceptions but few in number. Only in private-run medical services, we can see advanced high-tech equipment, Faster service, modern facilities, and many more. Still, there are private health service providers whom people trust because of their dedication, service, and affordability. It is people’s mindset that if they get treated in a hospital that takes high charges they will get 100% cured. Due to this thought process, they get easily trapped by profit-making medical service companies.
To Conclude, lack of awareness among the people is the prime investment for profit-making medical service companies as they make use of a person’s fear of death. People must start living a healthy lifestyle to avoid using promoted chemical products and unhygienic food habits. Though I do agree with half of the statement that good health is very important to every person, I partially agree that medical services should not be run by profit-making companies. IELTSX press
IELTS Essay on HealthCare Topic
Sample Answer 6
Healthy people make a healthy society. Both government and private sectors are responsible for providing health care facilities. Although many people argue that medical facilities should be given to private companies to handle, I am not in favor that the drawbacks of privatization of medical departments outrank the benefits.
To begin with, the opponents of private hospitals may argue that these are money-oriented organizations and their main motive is to earn money by all means. Certainly, health should not be taken care of by those people whose main motive is financial gain only. Secondly, these days modern private hospitals are not less than any four or five-star hotels. They cater to all the luxurious needs of well-off patients. These expensive hospitals and their high-class treatments are meant for the rich only. Moreover, private health centers charge a hefty amount that cannot be borne by the poor easily.
On the other side, all the governments have to rely on the private sector in all major domains such as education, banking and healthcare, etc. Considering the increasing number of people who need medical care, the privatization of the medical sector has become a social demand. First and foremost, private hospitals are providing services almost everywhere. This has been a boon to many people who live in remote areas. Private hospitals have emerged as a lifesaver for many valuable lives. Another reason is the treatment in private healthcare facilities is quicker than the public hospitals. Furthermore, it has also been seen that the hospitals run by the government lack many facilities. In comparison, private units are fully equipped and efficient service is ensured.
To sum up, privatization of health care is necessary for the betterment of society. However, the government should implement some strict rules and regulations to control the unnecessary demands of private hospitals. I E L T S X P R E S S
IELTS Essay on Healthcare
Sample Answer 7
These days many people feel that good health and well-being are essential to all people and therefore healthcare services should not be run by privately-owned companies, whose main objective is to make a profit. Personally, while I do agree with this statement, I also believe that private healthcare services do have many advantages.
Firstly, public hospitals in most countries are usually overcrowded and underfunded which can put a lot of pressure on doctors, nursing staff and patients to recover quickly so that more people can be treated. When people choose private healthcare services it can help to reduce the burden on the public system, and as a result, can also help to reduce the amount of money required by the government for funding. In addition to this, those who choose to pay for private healthcare services will experience many benefits, such as the quality and speed of treatments, short waiting times for appointments and operations, and more private and comfortable facilities.
However, while there are a number of benefits to private healthcare, there are also a number of drawbacks. To begin with, private healthcare insurance is very costly and many people simply cannot afford it. In addition, private healthcare insurance is usually paid on a monthly basis, whether you use the system or not, and therefore many people pay thousands of dollars each year for private healthcare but never need to use the facilities or services. Many people consider this to be a waste of money. Furthermore, some people also argue that private healthcare services create inequality between citizens of a nation as only the wealthy can afford the best and quickest treatment available.
In conclusion, I believe that as long as governments do their best to provide a good standard of healthcare facilities and services for the general public, then private healthcare services can also exist and provide many advantages that will outweigh the disadvantages. IELTSXPRESS.COM
Good Health is Important to Every Person IELTS Essay
Sample Answer 8
In today’s world, people choose advanced technology and modern facilities. Health is wealth so a person tends to be double precautious. The public health sector lacks in many major areas when compared to private medical service providers. Just because of weak systems and public health sector failures, the people will eventually choose to take treatment in a private-run medical service unit. We all must agree to the factual ground reality that good health is a basic human need. But I would argue and partially agree that medical services should not be run by profit-making companies.
Firstly, the most common misconception about private medical service providers is that they are entirely into profit-making. This is partially true, but not all Private medical service providers are profit-making companies. There are exceptions but few in number. Only in private-run medical services, we can see ample in-patient areas where a large number of patients can be attended without any delay, treatment for almost any kind of diseases and even medical specialists are called from other regions for exceptional cases, the center is equipped with high-end technology and modern facilities. The most important reason for people to opt for private medical services is that they get individual attention for treatment. All these options can not be seen at public health service units. There may be numerous reasons but that’s the ground reality.
Furthermore, Due to budget constraints, the government is unable to provide proper health services in many rural regions and we can find private medical facilities extending their service support. Most private medical service providers use modern medicine which tends to treat and cure patients quickly. But at the same time, we can not ignore that modern medicine treats the disease and not the patient. Whereas the traditional treatments like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani take time to cure a person but certainly there won’t be any side effects. Both types of treatment are offered by private health service providers.
To conclude, it is purely based on a person’s belief & awareness that leads him/her to choose between modern or traditional medical treatment. The majority of private medical providers do not use traditional methodology. Modern treatment tends to charge high because of the huge investment in equipment and facilities offered. When compared with the medical service rendered by the government of a state, the advantages of private health care units certainly outshine their very own drawbacks. Without any doubt, I certainly agree that good health is very important to every person, But I have given many supportive points and partially agree that medical services should not be run by profit-making companies.
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