Recent IELTS Exam Questions 28 January 2023 India

Recent IELTS Exam 28 January 2023 India Question Answers

Recent IELTS Exam 28 January 2023 India

28 January 2023 Morning Slot Listening

Short MCQs
Long MCQs, Match the INformation
Monologue fill-ups

Morning Slot 28th January 2023 India Reading Passages

Passage 1: Hydrogen Cars
Passage 2: Cocoa Coffee

Morning Slot Writing Task 1, 28th January 2023, India

Bar Graph

The graph below shows the percentage of dependents in 2000 and the predicted figures in 2050 in five countries, and also gives the world average.

Recent IELTS Exam 28 January 2023 India Question Answers

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. ieltsxpress-logo

Morning Slot Writing Task 2, 28th January 2023, India

Some believe technology has made our lives too complex and the solution is to lead a simpler life without technology. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

28 January 2023, India Evening Reading Passages ieltsxpress-logo

Passage 1: Chili Papers
Passage 2: The Value of Handwriting
Passage 3: Rising Sea (Sea change of Salinity)

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Evening Slot Writing Task 1, 28th January 2023, India

The table below provides information on marriage status and age from 1960 to 2000 in Australia.

 marriage status and age from 1960 to 2000 in Australia

To summarize information by selecting and reporting key features and comparing where appropriate.

Evening Slot Writing Task 2, 28th January 2023, India

Some people believe that printed books are no longer necessary in this digital era as all writings can be stored electronically. Others think that printed books still play an important role. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Other Locations:

The main aim of advertising is to increase sales of products which people do no need. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Also Check: Recent IELTS Exam 21 January 2023 India Question Answers

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Recent IELTS Exam 28 January 2023 India Question Answers

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