Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan September 2021

Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan September 2021

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Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan September 2021

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Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 2nd September 2021


Part 1

  • Questions about self/study/work
  • Special costumes
  • Flowers.

Part 2

Describe a natural talent you’d like to improve. You should say

  • What it is?
  • When you discovered it?
  • How do you want to improve it?

And how do you feel about it?

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 3rd September 2021


Part 1

  • Questions about home
  • Advertisement

Part 2

Describe an old person you know and respect. You should say

    • Who he or she is?
    • How do you know this person?
    • What he or she is like?

And explain why you respect him or her?

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan British Council 3rd September 2021


Section 1 –
Words and multiple choice
Section 2 – Multiple choice
Section 3 – Multiple choice
Section 4 – One word


  • Gap filling
  • True False/ Yes No
  • Multiple choice
  • Matching


Writing Task 1 – Map

Writing Task 2

Intelligence is the most important quality of leadership. Do you agree or disagree?
Give your opinion and support it with adequate examples.


Part 1:

1. Do yo work or study?
2. How you spend your day when you study?
3. Do you like barbecue?
4. Did you like barbecue when you were a child?
5. What kind of food is best for barbecue?
6. Best place to eat barbecue?
7. Your favorite kind of barbecue?
8. Do you like advertisement?
9. Where people can see advertisement?
10. What kind of technology do you use?

Part 2
Describe a local news that people are interested in. You should say:

  • What is it
  • How you know about it
  • Who was involved
  • How you felt about it.

Part 3

  • Is local community important;
  • What does the local community;
  • Was the local community better on the past or now;
  • What will be if local community does not support children;
  • Why some people are interested in it while others not;
  • Do you read newspapers;
  • Are people interested in local or international news.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan British Council 4th September 2021

Part 1:

  • Questions about flowers
  • Questions about wildlife
  • Questions about art activity and art.

Part 2:
Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school. You should say

  • What you made?
  • How you made it?
  • What it looked like?

And how you felt about the activity?

Part 3:

  • Questions about art
  • Would you give pottery products as a gift?
  • Is it really important to preserve ancient objects?

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 6th September 2021


Part 1

  • City
  • Handwriting

Part 2

Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

You should say:

  • Who is this person?
  • What is their specialty?
  • Why do you admire him?

Part 3

  • Advantages and disadvantages of being famous
  • What kind of people are famous
  • Would you like to be a famous

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 6th September 2021


Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • What is the best thing in your work?
  • Are headphones popular in your country?
  • How often do you wear headphones?
  • Do you think headphones are comfortable?
  • Does weather often change in your country?
  • What is your favourite weather?

Part 2

Describe a time when you waited for special thing? You should say:

  • who or what you waited for
  • where you waited
  • why you waited (or, had to wait)
  • and explain how you felt while you were waiting

Part 3
– Questions related to patience

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 6th September 2021


Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • Barbecue
  • Transportation

Part 2

Describe a time when you helped a friend. You should say

  • When it was?
  • How you helped him/her?
  • Why you helped him/her?
  • And how you felt about it?

Part 3

  • Advantages and disadvantages of being famous
  • What kind of people are famous
  • Would you like to be a famous

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan British Council 6th September 2021



Part 1

  • Hometown
  • Relaxing
  • Work
  • Science

Part 2
Describe a new thing that would be interesting for you to learn.

Part 3

  • Questions related to Part 2
  • Question about government duties to provide elderly with free new courses.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 10th September 2021


Part 1

  • Hometown
  • Countryside
  • Keeping pet
  • Handwriting

Part 2
Describe a teacher from the past whom you remember. You should say:

  • what subject the teacher taught you
  • how old you were then
  • what were some special characteristics of this teacher

and explain why you remember this teacher.

Part 3

  • Questions related to Part 2 Remembering the teacher
  • Remembering the past.
  • Older people think that life in the past was better than now, what do you think?

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan British Council 11th September 2021


Section 1 –
Multiple choice and filling gaps
Section 2 – Multiple choice and matching
Section 3 – Complete table
Section 4 – Flow chart


Reading Passage 1
True False Not given
Filling gaps

Reading Passage 2
List of heading
Multiple choice

Reading Passage 3
True False Not given
Filling gaps


Writing Task 1: Line graph

Writing Task 2:

Some people believe that every human can create art. For example, painting. Other people think that art can only be created by people with special talents. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 13th September 2021


Part 1

  • Countryside
  • Spending time with others
  • Headphones.

Part 2

Describe a situation when you felt proud of a family member

You should say:

  • When it happened?
  • Who is this person?
  • What the person did?
  • And explain why you felt proud of him/her.

Part 3
Questions related to part 2.

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan British Council 14th September 2021


Part 1

  • Where do u live? In a house/flat?
  • With whom?
  • In the future where you would like to live?
  • About stars, sky, planets.

Part 2

Describe a piece of equipment that you use at home.

You should say:

  • what it is
  • what you do with it
  • whether you will always keep it or not

and explain why it is so important to you.

Part 3

  • Questions about machines
  • Questions about robots in business and work the changes..

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 15th September 2021


Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • Do you prefer handwriting or keyword?
  • Questions about shoes.

Part 2
Describe an occasion when you received a good service from a company or shop. You should say:

  • what the service was
  • when you received the service
  • where you received the service

and explain why you think it was a good service.

Part 3
Questions related to part 2.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 17th September 2021


Part 1

  • Questions about hometown
  • Questions about shoes
  • Questions about colours

Part 2

Describe a business person whom you admire. You should say:

  • Who he/she is
  • What type of business he/she runs
  • How you learned about him/her

and explain why you admire this business person so much.

Part 3
– Questions related to business

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 20th September 2021


Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • Questions about flowers
  • Commercials
  • Planting.

Part 2
Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try.  You should say

  • What it is?
  • What you need to prepare?
  • How easy or difficult it is?

And explain why you want to try it?

Part 3

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling by sea?
  • Do you think transporting by sea has increased over the few decades?
  • How can you benefit from doing activities near the sea?
  • What do you think who enjoys more: adults or kids near the sea?

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 20th September 2021


Part 1

  • Do you work or study?
  • Questions about study
  • Wildlife
  • Public holidays

Part 2
Describe a tall building in your hometown that you like or dislike. You should say:

  • Where this building is
  • What it looks like
  • What it is used for

and explain why you like or dislike it.

Part 3

  • Questions related to tall buildings
  • Designing
  • Architectures

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 21st September 2021


Part 1

  • Work and studies
  • Colors
  • Apps

Part 2

Describe a time when you waited for a special thing? You should say:

  • who or what you waited for
  • where you waited
  • why you waited (or, had to wait)

and explain how you felt while you were waiting

Part 3

  • Waiting and patience
  • Is it positive to wait something too long
  • For what reason people usually wait
  • Do older people have more patient than children.

Recent IELTS Exam Uzbekistan IDP 21st September 2021


Part 1

  • About languages
  • TV programs and shows
  • Questions about handwriting.

Part 2

Describe a time you got up early. You should say:

  • When was it?
  • Why did you get up early?
  • What did you do after getting up?

explain how you felt about it.

Part 3

  • Follow-up questions on part 2.

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 22nd September 2021


Part 1

  • Work or study
  • Special costumes
  • Public holidays

Part 2

Describe an article on health that you read from a magazine or online. You should say:

  • What the article was?
  • When and where did you read it?
  • What did you learn from the article?

Explain why you think it is a good or bad article?

Part 3

  • Follow-up questions on part 2.

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan British Council 22nd September 2021


Part 1

  • Hometown
  • Headphones
  • Opinions of others

Part 2

Describe a time you moved to a new home. You should say

  • When you moved?
  • Why you moved?
  • Where you moved?

How you felt about it?

Part 3

  • Questions related to part 2.

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan British Council 23rd September 2021


Part 1

  • Work and study
  • Flowers

Part 2

Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people. You should say

  • What it does?
  • How many people it employs?
  • What kind of people work there?

How you feel about it?

Part 3

  • Questions related to part 2.
  • salary for youngsters

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan British Council 23rd September 2021


Part 1

  • Apartment
  • Wildlife
  • Free time

Part 2

Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try. You should say

  • What it is?
  • What you need to prepare?
  • How easy or difficult it is?

And explain why you want to try it?

Part 3

  • Questions related to part 2
  • Questions about sea.

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 29th September 2021


Part 1

  • Describe your hometown?
  • What kind of apps do you use?

Part 2

Describe a time you got up early. You should say

  • When was it?
  • Why did you get up early?
  • What did you do after getting up?

How did you feel about it?

Part 3

  • It is important to go to places early?
  • Is going early dependent on culture?
  • Why do some people not notice the time passes by quickly?

Recent IELTS Exam Tashkent, Uzbekistan IDP 30th September 2021


Part 1

  • House
  • Relaxing

Part 2

Describe your favorite singer. You should say

  • How do you know this singer?
  • What is this person like?
  • Do you think he/she is good?

and what kind of music she/he sings.

Also Check: Recent IELTS Test Malaysia September 2021

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Recent IELTS Test Uzbekistan September 2021

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